
Calculo Advisory Panel May 2024

Calculo Advisory Recap
Calculo Advisory Recap

Educe held the third Calculo Advisory Panel hosted by Kathleen Waid, Partner at Educe and Calculo General Manager, and Vicky Zoccali, Calculo Product Owner, with representation from leading firms in the accounting industry.

The main topics for this session included:

  • Highlighting key features in the latest product release.
  • Discussing potential upcoming regulatory changes and the impact on Calculo.
  • Sharing business practices regarding attendance tracking.

More details from the discussion are highlighted below:

Latest Release Updates

We highlighted some of the key items in Calculo’s latest production deployment.

  • Expansion of user biography functionality to include expiration, as well as a new notification and report to support managing this workflow.
  • Effective start dates for corrections and versions can now be entered in the UI.
  • Class credit can exceed the course credit.

Upcoming Regulatory Changes

NASBA has a dedicated task force assigned to review the current Group Live and Group Internet-Based Delivery Methods and evaluate combining them into a single Group Delivery Method. Calculo already accommodates this combination with existing functionality, but we will see what changes emerge from those discussions to determine other updates that may need to be made.

The participants provided feedback in discussion regarding what they would like to see in the product and what would work best for their firm, which was very helpful and will inform some of our direction moving forward.

Thank you to all attendees for their active participation and input as we continue to seek ways to meet the needs of the accounting industry. The next Calculo Advisory Panel is tentatively scheduled for October 22, 2024.

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